At least i was success with this simple task- one materials with different textures on different object in mentalray.
So for now we need maya 2012.
So for now we need maya 2012.
Create userdata.mi(see bottom of the page) and put it to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2012\mentalray\include
Edit mentalraycustomnodeclass.mel (see bottom of the page)
Edit mentalraycustomnodeclass.mel (see bottom of the page)
If you install srevice pack 1- you dont need to create userdata.mi and correct customNodeClass.mel
Now in miscellaneous section of MR in hypershade we have userdata shaders(mib_data_bool, mib_data_get_bool etc).
On every object(transform node) create attribute "miData":
addAttr -ln miData -at message OBJ_TRANSFORM_NAME;
Also, miData can be multi: addAttr -ln miData -at message -multi OBJ_TRNSF_NAME;
For this example i`ve create pPlane1, add miData attribute to it and dublicate plane 2 times, so we get 3 poly plane with miData on extra attributes of transform nodes.
Create MR shader, for example mia_material_X_passes and assighn it to all objects(pPlanes).
Create one mib_data_get_shader_color and plug it to diffuse color of mia.
Create 2 mib_data_shader nodes.
mib_data_get_shader_color will "catch" data from mib_data_shader and output it to diffuse color of mia.
Create 3 solid color ramps. Connect output of ramp1 to default attribute of mib_data_get_shader_color1 through multiplyDevide node(in input1, input 2 set to 1).
Connect ramp2 and ramp3 to mib_data_shader1 and mib_data_shader2 also through multiplyDevide nodes.
Set "Name" attribute of mib_data_shader and mib_data_get_shader_color nodes to something descriptive, for example "Color".
Connect message of mib_data_shader1 to miData of pPlane2, message of mib_data_shader2 to miData of 3. Thats all.

Code for userdata.mi:
#-------------------------------------------- Maps
declare shader
scalar "mib_map_get_scalar" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
integer "mib_map_get_integer" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
vector "mib_map_get_vector" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
color "mib_map_get_color" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
transform "mib_map_get_transform" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
color "mib_map_get_scalar_array" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
color "mib_map_get_integer_array" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
mentalraycustomnodeclass.mel edit:
// Data Conversion
if ($nodeType == "mib_data_bool" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_bool_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_color" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_color_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_bool" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_color" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_int" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_scalar" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader_bool" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader_color" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader_int" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader_scalar" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader_vector" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_string" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_texture" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_vector" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_int" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_int_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_scalar" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_scalar_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_shader" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_shader_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_string" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_string_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_texture" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_texture_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_vector" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_vector_array" )
return "rendernode/mentalray/conversion:swatch/mentalRaySwatchGen";
Userdata and CustomnodeClass
Python scripts for automatization.
Now in miscellaneous section of MR in hypershade we have userdata shaders(mib_data_bool, mib_data_get_bool etc).
On every object(transform node) create attribute "miData":
addAttr -ln miData -at message OBJ_TRANSFORM_NAME;
Also, miData can be multi: addAttr -ln miData -at message -multi OBJ_TRNSF_NAME;
For this example i`ve create pPlane1, add miData attribute to it and dublicate plane 2 times, so we get 3 poly plane with miData on extra attributes of transform nodes.
Create MR shader, for example mia_material_X_passes and assighn it to all objects(pPlanes).
Create one mib_data_get_shader_color and plug it to diffuse color of mia.
Create 2 mib_data_shader nodes.
mib_data_get_shader_color will "catch" data from mib_data_shader and output it to diffuse color of mia.
Create 3 solid color ramps. Connect output of ramp1 to default attribute of mib_data_get_shader_color1 through multiplyDevide node(in input1, input 2 set to 1).
Connect ramp2 and ramp3 to mib_data_shader1 and mib_data_shader2 also through multiplyDevide nodes.
Set "Name" attribute of mib_data_shader and mib_data_get_shader_color nodes to something descriptive, for example "Color".
Connect message of mib_data_shader1 to miData of pPlane2, message of mib_data_shader2 to miData of 3. Thats all.

Code for userdata.mi:
#-------------------------------------------- Maps
declare shader
scalar "mib_map_get_scalar" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
integer "mib_map_get_integer" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
vector "mib_map_get_vector" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
color "mib_map_get_color" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
transform "mib_map_get_transform" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
color "mib_map_get_scalar_array" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
declare shader
color "mib_map_get_integer_array" (
string "field_name"
version 1
apply texture
end declare
mentalraycustomnodeclass.mel edit:
// Data Conversion
if ($nodeType == "mib_data_bool" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_bool_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_color" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_color_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_bool" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_color" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_int" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_scalar" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader_bool" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader_color" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader_int" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader_scalar" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_shader_vector" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_string" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_texture" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_get_vector" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_int" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_int_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_scalar" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_scalar_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_shader" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_shader_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_string" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_string_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_texture" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_texture_array" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_vector" ||
$nodeType == "mib_data_vector_array" )
return "rendernode/mentalray/conversion:swatch/mentalRaySwatchGen";
Userdata and CustomnodeClass
Python scripts for automatization.